Don’t let Australia get left behind in the race to zero emissions

Donate now and Ethinvest's The Community Impact Foundation will match every dollar you give. Your donation will be worth double! Disinformation about renewables is on the rise and our big renewables opportunity - tens of thousands of secure jobs, $333b of exports and 81% of our emissions cut by 2030 - is under threat like never before.

Help us counter disinformation and speed up Australia’s journey to zero emissions

Donate now to fund our work helping Australia meet its renewable potential!

Australia is poised to either transform its energy production and exports, or be left behind in the global race to zero emissions. Cheap renewables like solar, wind and hydro, coupled with Australia’s unique combination of critical minerals and our skilled workforce, mean that right now we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - but it’s being stymied by a lack of ambition from governments. 

The pace of deployment is nowhere near what’s needed - and due to a lack of coordination and poor engagement with the affected regions about the changes taking place in their backyards, there is growing resistance to building the infrastructure we urgently need. 

Will you help us?

We know where the industries of the future are being built, but they need our help to get the public behind them and to show politicians that we all want this renewable future - we need to catalyse political will and raise the ambition, right now. 

Donate now to help us mount a public campaign, influencing the media narrative, reaching key regional audiences through social media and briefing policy-makers one-on-one, to convince them to support and fund this exciting renewable energy future. 

BZE's research is trusted by government, industry and regional Australia. We provide practical engineering and scientific solutions, through our network of experts who are at the forefront of their respective fields.

What will your donation fund? BZE is looking to raise $40,000 for a new media campaign to counter the rise of disinformation about the energy transition - and spread the good news that Australia can be a world leader in renewable energy generation, and that the industries of the zero emissions future can bring jobs, investment and lower energy prices to the very communities that will be most affected by this transformation. Regions that power our economy, and hardworking families who should get the full benefit of the huge contribution they are making to building a clean future for us all.

“BZE is one of the most effective organisations working to improve Australia’s climate policy. Additional funding is likely to have a high marginal impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through influencing policy change.”

Giving Green

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